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    بنك أسئلة للصف الثاني( أ/ ماهر عيسي )

    Mr.Maher Eisa

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/03/2010

    بنك أسئلة للصف الثاني( أ/ ماهر عيسي ) Empty بنك أسئلة للصف الثاني( أ/ ماهر عيسي )

    مُساهمة  Mr.Maher Eisa السبت أبريل 24, 2010 6:47 pm

    بنك اسئلة لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثاني الثانوى للأستاذ / ماهر عيسي على تطبع وتسلم بعدحلها الى الأستاذ / ماهر عيسي قبل يوم الخميس الموافق :29/04/2010م

    1- What is the main purpose of the spiders' ?
    It is a call for the world wide co operation to stand against dangers fac the word.
    2- Modern Technology played a vital role in the spiders 'How? .
    G.P.R enabled the robbers to discover new room and find treasure, . The computer helped Ayman to do many things..etc.
    3- what was the spider like?
    It was a black with two thick yellow lines on its back , as big as the small apple . It has eight legs and eight eyes.
    [4] The spiders represented the pharoah's curse, How?
    - The spiders devoted themselves for their duty, Explain?
    - The spiders set a good example for the brave and honest guards, How?
    They attacked the robbers on the tombs and killed them in the desert . so they saved our treasures.
    [5] What are the symptoms of the spiders bites?
    * Pain all over the body. * Heavy sweet. * Thirst.
    * Sudden violent movements. *Death
    [6] To what extend did the robbers achieve their goal?
    They managed to discover new rooms and find treasures I but the spiders killed them.
    (7] Noise and light saved Ayman's family from certain quick death, How? .
    That was when the spider left their house as there was noise and light, but it likes dark I quiet and wet place.
    [Cool Ayman was a keen observer. (OR) He had a strong observation, Row?
    When he described the spider exactly I observed it as a strange one so tried to get information about it .

    9] Dr Shereen felt a cold shiver when she saw the picture of the spider, Give the reasons.
    i) She doesn't like spiders .
    ii) The spider was the same as that Ayman had seen, so she
    . assured that he is in danger.
    (10] Dr Shereen played a heroic role she proved that she is loyal to her country, How?
    . She translated some information about the spiders.
    . She e- mailed Ayman many times.
    . She urged professor Jones to travel to Cairo.
    . She did her best to the picture of the spider.
    . She sent some information and the medicine for Ayman.
    [11] " Bad romours affect business." Illustrate from the spiders' story.
    If people believe Ayman's story about dangerous spiders, they won't stay in hotels or eat in the restaurant or buy any goods.
    [12] " The lowest points in people's lives can sometimes be turning points." How did tbathappen to Ayman ? –
    He became famous well-known and got a good job, because of the spider so the spider was a turning points in his life.
    ** Complete the following : .
    1- But for the spiders, ...................
    -The robbers would have stolen the treasures.
    -The robbers would have achieved their goal.
    2- Thanks to the helicopter team...................
    - The police knew the place of the robbers.
    3- without the G.P.R,... ... ...
    - The robbers would have discovered new rooms.
    1- How is the anti venom made?
    First, Scientists find the venom, then they inject it into animals, after that, animals make antibodies to fight this antivenom , finally scientists can extract it.
    2- What is the protective suit?
    It Is large black suit made of strange plastic with thick transparent window over the face. Man can breathe through a fitter .
    [31 What was it impossible to destroJ' the spiders in the site?
    ¬for many reasons: .
    a) It is a great scientific discovery .
    b) It is an important archaeo1ogical site.
    c) They don't know how big the area is underground.
    4- The female spider is more dan1!.erous than
    the male. Explain?
    a) Its bite is stronger.
    b) It has no antivenom .
    c) It lives longer .
    d) it needs a nest as it produces thousands of youngs.
    5- what problems did theyJace in Sinai ?
    . The narrow track. . The heavy rain. . The three wadis;
    6- Wafaa Sultan played a heroic role in stole- How?
    . She went to Sinai to bring the plants .
    . She saved the plants from the third car.
    _ She drove a lone in that bad weather to s_ve Ayman Hassan.
    [71 What rewards was Ayman given?
    .- He became famous.
    . - He got a scholarship to Oxford .
    . He can get a good job easily.
    . He was given a modem camera from prof. Jones .

    8- Ayman was intelligent and brave.. illustrate?
    a) intelligent, when he used the flash of the camera to blind the spider for a second.
    b) Brave, when he shot out the spider into the camera's box and shut it
    9- Why didn't Ayman die of the spider's bite?
    as his body began to make antibodies with the help of the plants in the first time so he was saved in the second time.

    10- Avman Hassan was the most popular young man in Egypt – why ?
    As he was ready to give his life to save others. he observed the
    spider as a strange species and warned the police so he savee!
    thousands of people.

    (1) Modern technology was very important and widely been used in Your story" The spiders" . Give examples.
    • The robbers used the computer and the GPR to see through the walls
    • Ayman used the computer and the internet to get more information about the spider
    • The pilot used the radio to report the police about the robbers.
    • Susan Bennett put a CD into her computer to look for the spider on the database.
    • Professor Jones used a modern machine called the smoker to kill the spiders in the tombs
    • Ayman was kept alive on a ventilator
    (2) More than one person could survive the deadly spiders venom for different reasons. Illustrate
    '" The persons who could survive death were the pilot, Najat , Lamia and Ayman
    • The black spider was about to bite the pilot's hand but the engineer asked him to go back to the helicopter to report the police
    • The female spider was about to bite Najat's foot but her mother called her and her foot moved away.
    • The female spider was about to bite Lamia but Ayman used the cameras flash which blinded the spider. Ayman knocked it down into the aluminum case .
    • The young spiders bit Ayman but the Negra plants saved his life.
    • The female spider bit Ayman but he didn't die because his body produced a lot of antivenom.

    (3) Ayman was so lucky that he survived death twice: Explain how.

    • The first time when he was bitten by the young spiders in the house but the negra plants saved his life.
    • The second time when he was bitten by the female spider in the hospital but his body made a lot of antivenom when he was bitten the first time and this saved his life.
    (4) Give an example to show that Ayman was:
    a) a keen observer b) inquisitive scholar
    A) Ayman was an observer: when he could give a complete description of the spider when he saw in the garden. His accurate description helped much to identify the spider and to realize its danger .
    B) Ayman was an inquisitive scholar as .
    - He used the internet In his university studies.
    - He could use his computer and the internet to get information about the spider and to contact Dr Shereen.
    (5) The female spider was too strong and could survive' death many times. Give examples.
    - The female spider could survive the great heat of the desert sun though all the spiders died.
    - The female spider could survive the strong chemical insecticide in the empty house next to Ayman's house.
    -When the officer landed the insecticide tank over the spider, it cut off Its Own leg In order to escape

    (6) How was the death of the six archaeologists a turning (point in Ayman's life?
    - Their death proved that Ayman was true and the spiders were really dangerous and deadly.
    -Their, death made the police work hard to find the female spider Ayman $aw in Hamdayya and could kill all the young spiders.
    - Thus. Ayman saved Hamdayya , Egypt and the whole world from these deadly spiders.
    - Ayman received a lot of honours and became the most popular young man In Egypt.
    (7) How many e-mails did Or. Shereen send to Ayman? Discuss what she said in each one in brief.
    She sent three e-mails:
    - in the first e-mail, she told him that she wasn't sure that the story of the spiders was true and told him that about the disappearance of the town because of the climate.
    - In the second e-mail, she told him about the arrival of professor Jones and warned him of the spider.
    - In the third e-mail, she told him about Wafaa Sultan and the Echinacea Negra
    Cool Unlike people.. Ayman. was more interested in the¬ ) spiders than being afraid. Illustrate.
    ;OR: What role did Ayman play to identify and fight the spider
    - When he saw the black spider in the garden, he went close to it in order to
    get a full description of it .
    - He used the Web in order to get information that would help him to identify
    the spider and to keep In touch with Dr. Shereen.
    - He went down to the underground tombs with professor Jones and Captain
    Ahmad In order to find the spiders and identify them.
    - He took part in the search for the female spider.
    '(9) Wafaa sultan and her team faced a lot of problems
    during their Journey back from Sinai. Explain.
    - There was a bad storm followed by lightening, thunder and heavy rain
    - There was difficulty In crossing the three wadis because they were full of water
    - The road was narrow, steep and had no surface
    - Two cars were almost damaged while crossing the third Wadi
    - Six men faced dangers when the fast water carried them away to a rockey Island.
    (10) In brief, discuss the part Dr Shereen played in finding and identifying the spider.
    - She used the Internet to get more information about black and yellow spiders.
    - She went to Susan Bennett and professor Jones and told them about Ayman's spider, the old picture of the spider and the; old medical text.
    -She; told Ayman about Wafaa Sultan who studied Echinacea Negra which would save his life later.
    (11) In brief, describe the effect of the spiders' bites on the four robbers before they died. .
    OR : What are the symptoms of the bites of the spiders on the four robbers
    - They felt pain and sickness.
    - They began to sweat heavily and drank all the water they had.
    - Their hands, arms, legs and faces muscles began to make sudden violent movements.
    -They couldn't breathe easily and died at last.

    (12) How did the professor's present to Ayman help to save Lamia's Life?
    " When Ayman saw the female soldier behind Lamia's shoulder, he flashed the light of the camera to blind the spider. Then he knocked it with his hand

    (13) In what way did Ayman owe his life to Wafaa sultan?
    - She went to Sinai and got the negra plants.
    - She pulled the third car out of the water and took the negra plants.
    - She drove back too fast during the storm, exposing her life to death only to save Ayman's life

    (14) At first Ayman wasn't for the idea of telling the police,'
    yet he himself told the police later. Illustrate.
    - At first. he refused to tell the police because everyone would laugh at him.
    - Later on, he changed his opinion and told the police because he became -" sure that these spiders are deadly.


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